Victory over lust is possible!

Victory over lust is possible!

Our experience has shown that anyone afflicted with sexaholism can get better if he/she is willing to be honest and follow SA's program of recovery.
struggling with sexual behaviours/thoughts?

struggling with sexual behaviours/thoughts?

You've come to the right place if you've tried to control detrimental sexual thoughts and behaviours, but couldn't, despite negative consequences.
Do you have a problem with pornography on the internet?

Do you have a problem with pornography on the internet?

Some of us spent hours looking at pornography or pursuing illicit sexual contacts over the Internet. Chat rooms and porn sites, freely accessible on the Web, were consuming our lives.
Masturbation Addiction

Masturbation Addiction

Masturbation for me means escape from reality. It is a mood-altering, mind-altering experience – an addictive drug. Each act drove me further into that dreadful isolation. I was slowly losing me.
A resource for the health & helping professional

A resource for the health & helping professional

SA can be a useful resource in counselling someone experiencing an unmanageable life due to sexually destructive thinking and behavior.
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Recovery from Sexaholism (Sex and Porn Addiction)

Persian-Speaking (Iran) Region of Sexaholics Anonymous

  • What is Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)?

    Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem (Sexual Addiction) and help others to recover. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. There are no dues or fees for SA membership; we are self-supporting…
  • The Problem - Sex and Porn Addiction

    Many of us felt inadequate, unworthy, alone, and afraid. Our insides never matched what we saw on the outsides of others. Early on, we came to feel disconnected - from parents, from peers, from ourselves. We tuned out with fantasy and masturbation. We plugged in by drinking in the pictures, the images, and pursuing the objects of our fantasies. We…
  • The Solution - The Recovery Program of SA

    We saw that our problem was three-fold: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Healing had to come about in all three. The crucial change in attitude began when we admitted we were powerless, that our habit had us whipped. We came to meetings and withdrew from our habit. For some, this meant no sex with themselves or others, including not getting into…
  • Pornography Addiction - An Allergy

    When a person starts viewing pornography, lusting or acting out sexually, the body releases all kinds of chemicals. The exact composition of the chemistry may vary depending on whether I'm stealing a look on the street, flirting with a coworker, consuming hard-core pornography with my eyes or recalling sexual memories in my mind. But in any case, my body has…
  • White Book - Lust or Sex?

    Why in Step One do we say we are powerless over lust instead of sex? Is not some form of sex what we are addicted to? Yes, we answer, but our problem is not simply sex, just as in compulsive overeating the problem is not simply food. Eating and sex are natural functions; the real problem in both of these…
  • Recovery Continues Book - Masturbation And Sexual Sobriety?

    Why do I find it necessary to include freedom from any form of sex with myself (masturbation) as part of my sexual sobriety? Masturbation for me means escape from reality. It is a mood-altering, mind-altering experience – an addictive drug. When I first began masturbating, it was not connected with any mental imagery. The physical sensation helped blank out my…

Frequently asked questions?

What is SA?
We are a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem of sexual addiction and help others to recover. Our primary purpose is to stay sexually sober and help other sexaholics to achieve sexual sobriety.
What is Sexual Sobriety?
In defining sobriety, we do not speak for those outside of Sexaholics Anonymous. Sexual sobriety for sexaholics of our type means no sex with ourselves and no sex with any partner other than the spouse. In SA’s sobriety definition, the term “spouse” refers to one’s partner in a marriage between a man and a woman. Sexual sobriety also means progressive freedom from the many forms of sexual thinking and stimulation and lust that enter our lives. This freedom is found by remaining sober and by using our Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions in our daily lives.
How Can I Stay Healthy Without Some Kind of Sexual Outlet?
Our collective experience is that sexual sobriety will free us from a compulsive need to be sexual. We seek to restore the instinct for sexual intimacy to its proper place for reproduction and maintaining healthy ties with a spouse. When we stopped entertaining lust and sexual stimulation, the need to be obsessively sexual left us.
Is SA Like Group Therapy?
SA is not a form of sex therapy or group therapy. SA meetings are conducted by SA members using our meeting guidelines. There are no professional leaders at an SA meeting. SA is a program of recovery from lust and sexual addiction based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.Whatever problems we bring to SA, we share a common solution — the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of recovery practiced in fellowship on the foundation of sexual sobriety.
How Can I Become A Member?
All who believe they may have a problem with lust are welcome to attend SA closed meetings and may consider themselves members if they say they have a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober.
How Much Will It Cost Me To Join?
SA meetings are free. There are no dues or fees for membership. We pass a basket at meetings for donations to pay for rent, literature, coffee, etc. In the spirit of our Seventh Tradition, we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
I Admit I’ve Been Overdoing It With Sex. Can’t I Just Cut Down a Little?
SA is for those who have lost control of this area of their lives. We come to SA because we cannot stop, whatever our forms of sexual behavior might be. We no longer have the ability to choose to stop.
How Can I Tell If I’m Addicted?
You have to come to the realization for yourself. Recognizing our own powerlessness is what we call “working the First Step.” As the First Step states, “We admitted we were powerless over lust—that our lives had become unmanageable.” It takes time and often a lot of pain to admit we are defeated. Sooner or later, we say something like, “I give up!” or “I need help!” or “I can’t do this by myself any more!” Each of these statements is an admission of powerlessness. That is why it does not work when we try to get sober for somebody else like a family member or employer. We have to admit defeat to ourselves and we have to seek help for ourselves.
I Know I Cannot Stop on my Own. I’ve Tried Before And It Did Not Work. Are You Saying It Is
Yes, it is possible. There are sober members of SA all over the world, both single and married. Together we can get sober and stay sober in SA, as we work the program one day at a time.
What Do I Have To Do To Get Sober?
While there are no absolutes in the SA program, we can share with you what we know about getting sober. We go to meetings; we work the Steps; we use the literature (both SA and AA); we have sponsors to whom we talk on a regular basis. Many of us have come to trust in a Higher Power who keeps us sober.
Okay - I’m Willing to Give It a Try. What Do I Do Next?
Contact SA. Check your directory for a local number or contact the SA International Central Office. Go to SA meetings, meetings and more meetings. Talk to sober sexaholics and ask them how they got sober. Use our program literature: brochures, Sexaholics Anonymous, Recovery Continues, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Read our fellowship newsletter Essay. Get a sponsor. This is someone whose sobriety is attractive to you. Call your sponsor on a regular basis—every day if possible. Ask for suggestions. WORK THE STEPS. Your sponsor will show you how. Get a list of telephone numbers. Start calling other members to surrender your sexual and lust temptations and to make a contact whenever you feel anxious or panicky. Pray. In the morning, ask your Higher Power to keep you sober “just for today.” Say “thank you” at night for your day of sexual sobriety. Pray whenever you get hit with lust. Practice our program slogans: First things first, Easy does it, One day at a time, Let go and let God, Keep it simple. Remember we were all newcomers once, and felt as you do today. Reach out and ask for help. Join us.